Monday, March 2, 2009

BRAMS - International Laboratory for Brain, Music and Sound Research

BRAMS (International Laboratory for Brain, Music and Sound Research, "Laboratoire international de recherche sur le cerveau, la musique et le son" in french) is a research unit affiliated with the University of Montreal, McGill University and the Montreal Neurological Institute. BRAMS is devoted to the study of music cognition with a focus on neuroscience.

BRAMS exists to address the following questions: Why is the brain musical? How does the structure and function of the nervous system allow us to listen to, remember, play, and respond to music? How are these functions related to others such as understanding speech? How do these processes change during development, and how do they break down in disease?
[ ... excerpt from BRAMS web site, continue reading here ... ]

Wow! That is fascinating research. And it's happenning here in Montréal !

You might also apreciate this paper, The Nature Of Music from BRAMS Co-director, Isabelle Peretz, who also runs her own lab: Isabelle Peretz Reaseach Laboratory.

That is music to my ears !